High Yield

Advent’s High Yield Strategy seeks to achieve consistent outperformance by employing an alpha-focused relative value investment approach. Our deep fundamental credit research, detailed scenario analysis, and proprietary models, combined with the Strategy’s nimble size, allow us to focus on high conviction investment ideas and facilitate an opportunistic trading strategy.

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High Yield

Advent manages more concentrated high yield portfolios, comprised of high conviction positions. Our investment team performs detailed, forward-looking scenario analyses, evaluates the probability distribution of expected returns and calculates conventional and proprietary measures of profitability, risk, and intrinsic value. They utilize sophisticated real-time models that help mitigate risk at the time of purchase by sizing positions based on our worst case loss scenario and prudently determined limits on capital at risk.

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    New York, NY 10019

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    19 Dacre Street
    London SW1H 0DJ